Septic Systems

Around half of City of Westfir residences rely on a septic system. For the health of both people and river ecosystems, it is vital that septic systems be well-maintained. Below are online information and resources.

The Basics

About Septic Systems

Care and Maintenance

Be Septic Smart, Oregon DEQ information for home owners [PDF]

Basic diagram on how to care for your septic system [PDF]

Having periodic septic system inspections can help to save you thousands of dollars in expensive repairs or even system replacement!

Septic System Inspections FAQs [PDF]

Both of these companies can perform septic system inspections in Westfir:


If your septic system is in need of repair, please contact one of the companies above. In addition, please notify the City of Westfir if your septic system is leaking.

Hazardous Household Waste

Hazardous waste such as fuels, paints, motor oil, antifreeze, pesticides, herbicides, poisons, corrosives, solvents, and mercury and mercury-containing wastes should never be poured down a drain, on the ground, or thrown away in your garbage can. Read about why household hazardous waste is a problem. Learn how to dispose of household hazardous waste in Lane County.

Thank you for helping to keep Westfir safe and beautiful!